"The challenges of strategic planning in the banking industry in the 19" by Ibi Ajayi



Strategic planning, Banking industry


Development within the overall economy inevitably have direct impacts on the environment and regulatory framework within which banks operate. Similarly, the operational efficiency of the banks or other wise in bringing to fruition the social and economic yearnings of the state has dire impact on the society. it is the realisation of this linkage that has led some commentators to assert that the banking sector is both the hand-maid and mid-wife of the economy. what is true also is that finance is the key to investment and investment leads to growth. Furthermore, the paper discusses what is strategic planning?; Change and survival; Changes in the banking scene: an overview and the challenges and threats of the 1990's.

Author Bio

The author is a staff of the University of Ibadan.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion





Included in

Finance Commons


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