


O J. Oni Dr


Strategic planning, Organisational culture, Strategic planning culture


This paper examines the concept of planning culture in an organisation. It discusses the concept of organisational culture; the mechanics for evolving strategic planning culture; organisation structure and concludes with some suggestions for developing a culture of strategic planning. This includes: The style of planning should be participatory. lf the plan is to be meaningful and a sound basis for future action, the Planning team must include adequate representation at senior management level and its terms of reference and underlying Purpose must be known and understood throughout those parts of the organisation whose activities will be affected; the scope of tire plan must be clearly defined and any basic assumptions on which the plan .is prepared' must be clearly stated for all concerned; the planning team must work together in reviewing the plan from time to time; those involved ln the planning process should be of an age where they should be able total.

Author Bio

The author is a staff of Central Bank of Nigeria.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion





Included in

Finance Commons


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