


Diversification, Energy, Export .


Energy is a critical input in the economic development process. It is expended in one form or the other in agricultural production activities, especially food processing and transportation. and in the production of farm inputs such as fertilizer. pesticides and agricultural equipment. Energy is equally necessary for industrial operations or facilitating the running of plant and machinery of manufacturing units. It is also required for house-hold cooking & lighting and for the construction and operation of the infrastructure needed for schools, health care services and water sup-ply. Indeed, the levels of energy supply nd consumption are strong indicators of overall economic performance.

The paper is structured into four sections. Section 2reviews the structure and performance of the energy sub-sector fromi986 to date. Section 3 examines the potentials for diversification and ex-port promotion of energy products in Nigeria. Section 4 discusses efforts at diversifying the production and ex-port promotion of energy products and the constraining factors. while section 5 contains the summary and policy recommendations.

Author Bio

Dr.Ojo is the Director, Research Department of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion






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