


Real-sector, Policy-measures, Appropriation bill


The article attempts to give the major thrust of the 2000 Budget, itemize the strategies for achievement as well as assessing the real sector performance from January- June 2000. The author noted that the It is important to mention that the year 2000 Budget was conceptualised within the framework of the overall projected economic policy targets of Government up to 2003. ln this regard, it is expected that the provisions of the budget will run in line with such set targets which include, GDP growth rate of 10%, single digit inflation, 70% employment (formal & informal), household access to electricity of 60%, etc. by year 2003. Although the Budget has now been approved and signed into law, a few suggestions concerning fits implementation, may suffice and I believe they will' be included in the final recommendations to Government.

Author Bio

The Author is a staff of NAL Merchant Bank Plc.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion






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