


Non-interest banking, Legal framework, Regulatory framework, Nigeria, Banking


Non-interest bonking is one of the aspects of Islamic finance. Islamic finance distinguishes itself from conventional finance through its compliance with the principles of Islamic commercial jurisprudence. This paper examines the legal and regulatory framework for non-interest banking in Nigeria. First the paper explored the global development of non-interest banking and goes further to highlight why would non-interest banking be beneficial for Nigeria?; In identifying this, the paper highlighted the main contracts that would be used for transactions which include: Profit sharing agreements, Joint venture agreements, Purchase and resole contracts, investment Certificates, insurance; the current legal and regulatory framework and suggestions which include suggested government led initiatives and suggested legislative developments. The paper concludes by identifying what else needs to be done in order to move forward.

Author Bio

The author is a staff of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion






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