


Bretton woods institution(BWI), International monetary fund(IMF), Economy


The objective of this paper is to examine and discuss the workings of the Bretton Woods institution with particular focus on the international Monetary Fund (lMF). This is to enhance understanding of the expanded role of the lMF. The paper is divided into five parts. First is the introduction, Part ll, explains the IMF's role in the world economy, while Part lll presents relationships between the Fund and its members, highlighting member obligation to the Fund and Fund's obligation to its members. ln Port lV, the expanded roles of the Fund are discussed, while the conclusion is contained in Part V.

Author Bio

Messrs Adenuga and Evbuomwan are Assistant Director and Assistant Economist, respectively, in Modeling and Forecasting Office, Macroeconomic Modeling Division, Research Department, Central Bank of Nigeria.

Publication Title

CBN Bullion





Included in

Economics Commons


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