
Economic and Financial Review


O.O. Ogunjobi


Central Bank of Nigeria, Research Department


Strategy, IndustrialIzation, Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS), Develop and developing countries.


The paper highlighted the role and import of industrialization in the social and economic development of both the developed and developing countries and at the same time attempted to analyse- albeit briefly- the concept of industrial location in the process of economic integration. The need for concerted actions particularly in terms of harmonization of the hitherto diverse and often times conflicting industrial policies in the West African subregion was underlined. In the discussion of some features of industrial location in the subregion, we noted evidence of uneven distribution of industries not only between countries but within individual member countries, and paucity of multinational enterprises geared towards industrial integration of the subregion.





Recommended Citation

Ogunjobi, O. O. (1977). A strategy for industrial within Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS). CBN Economic and Financial Review, 15(1), 23–29.



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