Economic and Financial Review
Central Bank of Nigeria, Research Department.
Exchange rate system, Balance of payments, Window 1, Window 2, Ghana, Nigeria.
This is a review of the study "multiple exchange rates in Ghana and Nigeria: expectations, experiences, prospects - an economic analysis'' written by John Attipoe. The paper is a concise analysis of the multiple exchange rate system adopted by Ghana and Nigeria after the abandonment of their respective single rate regime. The paper sought to examine the new system from the theoretical and practical perspectives, as well as attempt an analysis of the implications and prospects of its operation in the two economies. The author based his empirical analysis on the first three months of the introduction of the scheme. For ease of reference, the author divided the paper into three chapters. Chapter one contains an exposition of the theory on multiple exchange rates in general; while chapters two and three examined the operation of the new system in Ghana and Nigeria, respectively. Preceding chapter one of the paper is an inclusion of the broad definition, description and functions of the multiple exchange rates which in fact, provided the basis for the subsequent theoretical analysis in chapter one.
Recommended Citation
Analogbei, F. C. O. (1988). John Attipoe "multiple exchange rates in Ghana and Nigeria: expectations, experiences, prospects - an economic analysis'' Universidad de Gotinga, July 1987: 72 pages. CBN Economic and Financial Review, 26(2), 82-84.