Economic and Financial Review
Central Bank of Nigeria
Africa, Economic Growth, Economic Development
The paper, "'Africa's Adjustment and Growth in the 1980s" was written by a team led by Charles Humphreys and William Jaeger of the World Bank. They reviewed on Sub-Saharan Africa's economic experience in the 1980s from a new perspective as against that which was generally perceived as one of crisis and decline caused largely by hostile external factors. The paper was divided into six parts. Part one is an overview of the causes that led to the region's current problems. Sections 2, 3 and 4 analytically dis,:uss the developments in trade and commodity prices, the international community's response with more aid and debt relief packages. Section 5 assesses the progress made so far in reforming domestic policy, while section 6 examines the impact of policy reforms.
Publication Title
CBN Economic and Financial Review
Recommended Citation
Okonta, H. N. (1989). Africa's Adjustment and Growth in the 1980s: the World Bank and the UNDP; Charles Humphreys and Williams Jaeger & C0., 31pp., March 1989. CBN Economic and Financial Review. 27(2), 77-80.