
Economic and Financial Review


I. S. Abdullahi


Central Bank of Nigeria, Research Department.


Oil and gas industry, Electricity, Reforms - Oil, gas and electricity, Industrial reform, Energy industry


The paper investigated the main rationale behind the energy industry reforms. It also sought to examine the relationship between inter-industry reforms and ascertain the soundness of the rationale as well as their consistencies. The paper was structured into six sections opening with an introduction. Sections two, three and four reviewed reforms in the oil, electricity and gas industries, respectively. Section five discussed the performance against expectation while section six presented the concluding remarks.





Recommended Citation

Abdullahi, I. S. (2003). Rationale behind oil, gas, and electricity industries reforms: is there a consistency by Mohammad Mazraati et al. (22nd Annual North American Conference of the USAEE/IAEE, 2002) - a review. Economic and Financial Review, 41(3), 123-125.

Included in

Economics Commons



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